Call of the Traumerei, The

Release Date:   March 09, 1914
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   3
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Lorimer Johnston
Writer(s):   W. King (Jr.),
Confirmed Cast:   Vivian Rich, Sydney Ayres, Harry Von Meter, Caroline Cooke, Jack Richardson, Charlotte Burton, Louise Lester, Edith Borella,
Story Summary:
Calvin Demorest, a young artist who is on the verge of a physical breakdown, is advised by his friend, Rizzio, an old music-master, to go to the country for a rest. Profiting by the advice, Calvin goes to the farm of a friend of Rizzio’s, where he soon recovers and devotes his time to out-of-door sketching. One day, while out sketching, be meets Enid Sumner, a country maiden who is a natural violinist, and is captivated by her remarkable talent for music. Acquaintance, intimacy and love follow in natural order. He teaches her to play “Traumerei” by whistling it for her and subsequently feels the power of her music over him when, attacked by her jealous country suitor, it arrests his hand in the act of violence. Calvin is finally called back to the city by a letter informing him of a legacy left him by his uncle, which is to be used only as a means to complete his study of art abroad. He leaves her at the old trysting place but the strains of Trumerei calls him back for one more view of her and he sees a picture of despair and grief that imprints itself indelibly on his heart. After remaining abroad for two years the memory of Enid grows dim and he becomes infatuated with Vera De Lys, an actress. Enid, in the meantime, goes to the city and becomes a pupil of Rizzio; her pride, however, forces her to remain silent in regard to her acquaintance with Calvin. Returning home from Europe, Calvin secures his old studio adjoining Rizzio’s and, unaware of Enid’s proximity, takes up his work with renewed energy and confidence. He produces many pictures, but to his dismay they are consistently rejected by the art dealers. Finally, his funds exhausted and feeling himself a failure, he destroys his work and sinks into a state of despair from which even Rizzio fails to rouse him with the announcement of the coming art exhibit. Enid, aware of Calvin’s return, avoids him and finally decides to give up her music lessons through fear of an accidental meeting. She requests Rizzio to give her “Traumerei” as her last lesson and the day arrives coincident with Calvin’s day of despair. The music of her violin reaches him in the room adjacent, as he sits brooding over a vial of acid, and stays his hand. He sees again the picture of despair and grief that he saw the day he left her and, snatching up brushes and palette, he produces the picture on canvas. At the exhibit the wins highest honors; Enid learns that she is remembered; Rizzio discovers the secret and Vera De Lys, the French actress, who is playing in America with her company, finds Calvin again. Feeling his old infatuation for Vera return, Calvin leaves the exhibit hall with her, sending a message back to Rizzio to meet them that evening at a certain cabaret. The message gives Rizzio an idea and he arranges with the manager of the cabaret for Enid to appear as an entertainer. That evening the call of the “Traumerei” again goes froth from Enid’s violin and stills the noisy crowd. The call penetrates to a secluded nook, where Calvin and Vera have withdrawn, and reaches Calvin as he is about to succumb to his infatuation for the designing actress. Calvin answers the call, but Enid eludes him and disappears. He returns to his studio, where Rizzio again finds him in despair; but he quickly recovers and understands when Rizzio tells him to follow the call of the “Traumerei.” It leads him back to the old trysting place, where he finds Enid waiting for him. - Moving Picture World, March 1914, p. 1302.
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