Dream Child, The

Release Date:   February 23, 1914
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Thomas Ricketts
Writer(s):   F. Wall,
Confirmed Cast:   Winnifred Greenwood, Edward Coxen, George Field, William Bertram, Albert Cavens, William Eason, Ida Lewis, Edith Borella,
Story Summary:
John Reynolds and Hiram Williams have been partners for years. John Reynolds has a daughter, Vivian. Hiram Williams has a son Jack. It was the ambition of their lives to see their children married to each other. When Jack was twenty, his father dies, leaving him under the guardianship of John Reynolds. A few months after the death of his father, Jack bids good-bye to Vivian, a young girl of sixteen, who promises to be his wife on his return, and goes to Europe to study art. When the four years are about up Vivian meets George Haldane, a man about town, with very little character. She falls in love. Jack returns. Vivian tells him of her love for George. Vivian and George are secretly married. Old John Reynolds disowns Vivian. Jack goes back to Europe. When Vivian's child is three months old George deserts her for a former love and goes West. Vivian appeals to her father for help, but is spurned. Vivian has to take in sewing. The child thrives. John Reynolds has become embittered against the world. He is sitting, one day in his home, when he sees a child in tattered clothes walk up along the path that leads to his home. He seizes the child. The child shows no fear. As the child is going down the walk there is a transfiguration, instead of the child with ragged clothes, John Reynolds sees a child in loose, seamless red garment, with crown of thorns on his head and a cross of wood on the tender shoulders. He realizes he has seen a vision. His heart becomes softened. He sends for his lawyer and institutes a search for his daughter. Not having any success he starts in search of the dream child, who has since visited him. He finds the dream child to be his own grandchild. In the end old John Reynolds gains the love of his little grandchild and Jack and Vivian are at last united. - Moving Picture World, February 1914
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