Hermit, The

Release Date:   February 02, 1914
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Thomas Ricketts
Writer(s):   John Lloyd,
Confirmed Cast:   Edward Coxen, Winnifred Greenwood, Charlotte Burton, William Bertram, George Field,
Story Summary:
Grace King and motor party discover a picturesque spot and hermit. The masterful personality of the hermit so attracts Grace that she invites him to lunch with them under the trees, afterward persuading him to tell his past history. Twenty years ago, the hermit, then a wealthy young man, was accepted by his sweetheart. His brother loved the same girl and being of an impetuous and emotional nature exerted himself to win her from his rival. Failing in this, he yielded to an evil impulse, and bribed a ruffian to chloreform and bring her to him. The accepted lover, being warned by telepathy, that the girl was in danger, reached her gate as the masked man was coming out with her. A deadly conflict ensued, during which the lover was beaten senseless. The girl revived; screaming for help, she rushed into the house. The conspirator realizing his own danger in order to incriminate his brother, Jack, placed a mask over the latter's face and a revolver in his hand and then escaped. The police arrived as the young man, with the mask still on, and revolver clasped in hand, was regaining consciousness. Circumstantial evidence gave him seven years in prison. But worse, his sweetheart repudiated him. She married the brother. After serving his term and being liberated, he never let his people see him, but left for California, where he lived alone for fifteen years. After finishing his story, the hermit shows them his sweetheart's picture and with a startled cry, Grace declares it to be her mother. She tries to have the hermit go with her, but shaking his head he shows her a letter, sent ten years before, containing the dying confession of his brother and pleading for pardon, also entreating that his wife never be told the truth. Afterward, with much maneuvering and plotting, Grace brings about a reunion of the lovers. - Moving Picture World, February 1914
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