Duel of the Candles, The

Release Date:   December 25, 1911
Distributor:   Motion Picture Distribution & Sales Company
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Drama
Director:   Allan Dwan
Writer(s):   Allan Dwan,
Confirmed Cast:   Louise Lester,
Story Summary:

A poor prospector and a prosperous ranchman, who in reality is a horse thief, are in love with the widow's daughter. The girl gives her heart to the poor man much to the disfavor of her mother. When news of her betrothal reaches the horse thief's ears he plans to get even. He captures the prospector at work and forges a letter in the prospector's handwriting to the girl's mother, saying that he is going East to marry a former sweetheart. Believing it true, the girl is soon persuaded to marry the rich ranchman. The poor man is soon liberated from the horse thief's camp, where he was imprisoned and goes immediately to the ranchman's unhappy wife. She begs him to take her away, but he will not do it, as she is not his legally wedded wife. Just then the horse thief comes in. The poor prospector gives him a chance for his life. He places two candles on the table, lights both and bids the wife to leave the room. Who's ever candle burns out first must die by his own hands. They swear to it. Fate has it that the husband's candle burns out first. His treacherous nature asserts itself and in an instant he pounces upon the prospector in an effort to murder him. In the struggle that ensues the horse thief's gun goes off, mortally wounding him. The wife runs in and finds that Fate has liberated her from a distasteful union. -Moving Picture World, December 16, 1911, p. 930.

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