Santa Catalina - Magic Isle of the Pacific

Release Date:   December 14, 1911
Distributor:   Motion Picture Distribution & Sales Company
Reels:   1
Brand:   American
Genre:   Documentary
Director:   Samuel Hutchinson
Story Summary:
The film starts with a view of Santa Catalina Island, "Magic Isle of the Pacific," whose wonderful mountain grandeur is far-famed, but seldom seen by the average American. Here is the clearest water in the world and many sights to amuse and interest even the most jaded traveler. An extraordinary view of seals basking on the rocks off the island is next seen. Then follows a visualization of more than fifty feet of the ocean's bed, showing the remarkable submarine growth, a kelp, octopus, many varieties of coral and fish. This scenic also contains an exceptionally fine view of the Pacific fleet in annual maneuvering off Los Angeles. The fleet contains the battle-scarred cruiser Raleigh, the cruiser Colorado, the flagship California, the South Dakota, the gunship Vicksburg, the Oregon, the cruiser Cincinnati, several war tugs, supply boats and finally the entire torpedo fleet. -Moving Picture World, December 9, 1911, p. 836.
Unique Occurences
The foreign release did not include the fleet footage.
Additional Info

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