Man Hunt, The

Release Date:   December 11, 1911
Distributor:   Motion Picture Distribution & Sales Company
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Drama
Director:   Allan Dwan
Writer(s):   Allan Dwan, Allan Dwan,
Story Summary:
Pursued by the sheriff's posse, the outlaw seeks refuge at the home of a young ranchman. The Ranchman's wife conceals him from his pursuers, and when they are gone she makes him promise to lead an honest life. A year later we see him leading an exemplary life and is a member of the rangers' organization. The woman's life at the ranch becomes more and more lonely as her husband's duties takes him away for weeks at a time and she hungers for romance. A stranger comes to her home and in her troubled state of mind it is easy for him to convince her that she is abused and neglected and that her husband no longer loves her. He persuades her to elope and they make hurried - preparation for departure. In the meantime the ranger receives a warrant for the arrest of an outlaw and the trail leads to the woman's home. He finds his man in the person of the woman's tempter, and places him under arrest. He recalls to the woman what part she played in his own reformation, and when the husband returns he forgives his frivolous wife and a close understanding is reached after years of misunderstanding. - Moving Picture World, December 2, 1911
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