Jolly Bill of the Rollicking R

Release Date:   November 27, 1911
Distributor:   Motion Picture Distribution & Sales Company
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Comedy
Director:   Allan Dwan
Writer(s):   Allan Dwan,
Story Summary:
"Jolly Bill," of the Rollicking R, couldn't be tidy. So the boys of the Rollicking R Ranch pulled out his shirt, "mussed" up his hair and sent him off to propose to Miranda. But lo! Miranda wanted a man and seized at the chance. They eloped and headed for 'Frisco. On their return they were met by the cowpunchers, bent on hurling rice and shoes and jokes and other things. Here is the erstwhile-slovenly Bill and his new bride arrayed in the latest of Metropolitan styles. There is a general epidemic of faints among the cowpunchers. The change is permanent with Miranda, but poor Bill, released among his kind, hurls vest and collar into the discard and, amid the exultant shouts of the cowboys, comes into his own once more for five happy minutes. Then Miranda, carefully attired in the new found "city duds," goes in search of Bill and, supremely happy, promptly gives chase, finally capturing him and proving forever that Miranda knows the art of "hectoring" her husband. Thus, Bill is finally reclaimed from untidiness, much against his will but much to his advantage. -Moving Picture World, November 18, 1911, p. 580.
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