Trail of the Eucalyptus, The

Release Date:   October 26, 1911
Distributor:   Motion Picture Distribution & Sales Company
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western
Director:   Allan Dwan
Writer(s):   Allan Dwan,
Story Summary:
Mrs. Wilcox, a widow, informs the Rangers that the Vigilantes, a band of highwaymen, have captured her daughter. The Rangers are unsuccessful in their attempts at recovery. Mr. Caxton receives a message from one of the Vigilantes saying that unless he proposes to abide by their laws he will be obliged to take the penalty. He throws the paper containing this reading in the face of the messenger, who returns to his gang. They start immediately to capture Caxton and his home. Mr. Caxton's daughter, Elsie, informs her sweetheart, Bob, of the message delivered to her father. Bob, who is the leader of the Rangers, apprises his fellows of the Vigilantes wrongdoing and instructs them to be on their guard. One day, as Elsie is waiting at her trysting place, which is the Eucalyptus tree near her home, for Bob, the Vigilantes manage to capture Elsie's father. When they pass the Eucalyptus tree, behind which Elsie and Bob were hiding, Bob jumps out and holds them up with his gun. Elsie fearing that her lover will get hurt, clasps her arms around his, thereby causing him to drop his gun. The Vigilantes take the gun and are about to hang them when the Rangers put the Vigilantes to flight. Bob turns to his sweetheart and clasps her in his arms. -Moving Picture World, October 12, 1911, p. 324.
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