Caves of La Jolla, The

Release Date:   October 16, 1911
Distributor:   Motion Picture Distribution & Sales Company
Reels:   split
Brand:   American
Genre:   Documentary
Director:   Allan Dwan
Writer(s):   Allan Dwan,
Story Summary:
Many beautiful pictures have been made by foreign manufactures of picturesque places in their own country, but none of them surpass the natural beauty and rugged grandeur of our own West. The American Company, bearing in mind that very few pictures of this class have been produced for the pleasure and instruction of the American public, have produced a marvelous picture of the "Caves of La Jolla," that is stereoscopic in photography, magnificent in perceptive, sublime in grandeur, and faultless in every respect. The splendid vista unfolds itself to the spectator, as if he were looking upon the actual scene himself. -Moving Picture World, October 21, 1911, p. 238. Also, in the same issue: "The scenes embrace views of the coastline of California near Point Loma. The action of the waves on the rocks has created remarkable results. Here is a majestic natural bridge resting on pillars which have escaped erosion, the arches being formed by what were the tops of caves. There are stretches of stupendous rock walls, veritably honeycombed, and presenting weirdly fantastic, rock-fashioned figures. Yonder the breakers dash mountain high on the towering cliffs, leaving partly uncovered, as they recede, 'dark, unfathomed caves.' Attention is directed to a view of the coastline in which the rocks show distinctly the gradual rising of the land bordering the Pacific. Geologists estimate that the rise is nearly three feet in a period of one hundred years." - Moving Picture World, October 21, 1911
Unique Occurences
Split reel released with "The Three Daughters of the West"
Additional Info
The Nov 1911 Motography called it, "As good as an actual trip to the caves." Located north of San Diego, the area is pronounced "La Hoya."

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