Land Thieves, The

Release Date:   October 09, 1911
Distributor:   Motion Picture Distribution & Sales Company
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Drama
Director:   Allan Dwan
Writer(s):   Allan Dwan,
Confirmed Cast:   Jack Kerrigan, Pauline Bush, George Periolat, Charles Morrison, George Morrison, Jack Richardson, Louise Lester,
Story Summary:
George Wilson is an emigrant seeking a new home. He stops at the town for provisions, and is warned by the rangers to look out for the land thieves. His daughter leaves the "prairie schooner," and her father introduces her to Jim Haden, the leader of the rangers. The ranger is very much impressed with the homesteader's daughter and she is pleased with the manly ranger. Their business transactions completed, the homesteaders continue their journey across the plains. The wagon is observed by the land thieves, who send a spy to find out where the "nester" intends to locate. At last, in a fertile valley, George Wilson starts to stake out his new home, and the spy returns to tell the other land thieves the place selected. The land thieves ride en masse to the homesteader's camp and warn him to leave the range before sundown. After their departure, the frightened wife and daughter urge the homesteader to leave, but he refuses to surrender his rights at the mandate of the outlaws. Securing his horse, he rides out to inspect the surrounding country. The leader of the land thieves, watching him from ambush, fires at him, killing him instantly. When her father does not return to camp, Margaret becomes uneasy, and mounting one of the horses, she goes out to look for him. She comes upon his body, and kneeling beside it gives way to her grief, when she hears the land thieves approaching. Securing her father's gun, she rides for her life, followed by the desperadoes. When she arrives in camp, she gives her mother a gun and the two women prepare to defend themselves against the onslaught of the land thieves. In the meantime, Jim Haden, the ranger, has received a note from headquarters warning him that land thieves are raiding the reservation. He calls the boys together and they ride out to investigate. In the distance, they see the unequal battle waged by the desperadoes against the helpless women. They hurry to the rescue, arriving just in time to save them from capture and insult, at the hands of the outlaws. The overwrought girl faints in Jim's arms, and it is evident that the interest awakened in his heart for her will be a lasting one. -Moving Picture World, October 7, 1911, p. 74.
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