Miner's Wife, The

Release Date:   October 05, 1911
Distributor:   Motion Picture Distribution & Sales Company
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Drama
Director:   Allan Dwan
Writer(s):   Allan Dwan,
Confirmed Cast:   Louise Lester,
Story Summary:

Bill Moore, an undesirable character, is driven from the Circle A Ranch. He wanders to the hut of Jim Newton, a miner, who is very hospitable and invites him to stay. When Jim is at work the next day, Bill assaults the miner's wife, and when her mother intercedes, she is knocked unconscious. During her state of unconsciousness, Bill writes a note to Jim, saying that he thanks him for his kindness and for the girl; and then runs away with her. Soon after their departure, Jim's mother-in-law regains consciousness, sees the note, and at once dashes to the mine and informs Jim of the dastardly trick. Jim, with a number of ranchmen, follows the trail and soon discovers the villain hiding in a hut in the canyon. They open fire on him, but the villain, having the advantage over the approaching ranchmen, kills quite a number of them. In the meantime, Jim's wife, who had been bound, succeeded in releasing herself, and rushing to the kidnapper, pushes him out into the open, to receive a fusillade of bullets from the ranchmen. He is mortally wounded, and Jim and his wife are soon in each other's arms. -Moving Picture World, October 7, 1911, p. 74.

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