Claim Jumpers, The

Release Date:   September 21, 1911
Distributor:   Motion Picture Distribution & Sales Company
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Romance
Director:   Allan Dwan
Writer(s):   Allan Dwan,
Confirmed Cast:   Jack Kerrigan, George Periolat,
Story Summary:
Mack and Ella are engaged to be married, but Mack's father will not give his consent. Mack is further disheartened because Ella will not marry him without his father's permission. On the government-grant land, Mr. Whitcomb, Mack's father, discovers oil. As Mr. Whitcomb has filed a previous find, he cannot file this one, and offers his son one-half of the claim, if he will file it for him. During Mr. Whitcomb's conversation with his son, he is overheard by what is commonly termed claim jumpers. The proposition is accepted by his son, who rides away. En route, he passes the home of his sweetheart, and he informs her of his mission. Following him are the two claim jumpers, who heard Mr. Whitcomb's conversation. These men arouse the suspicion of Ella, who quickly follows them. Mack locates the claim by the number on the map, and is busily engaged staking it out, when the claim jumpers land upon him. One of them takes the map from him, and rides to the Recorder's office, while the other fights with Mack. Ella, surmising what has happened, outwits the claim jumper, by riding to the Recorder's office and filing the claim, which she is able to do, as she knows its number. She then explains matters to the crowd, and when the outwitted jumper arrives, he is driven away by the points of the guns held by the cowboys. The cowboys now ride away to the claim to see if Ella's story is authentic. They find it to be true, and the claim jumper that Mack is holding down, receives a sound trouncing. Ella offers Mack's father one-half of the claim conditionally, and the old man complies willingly. -Moving Picture World, September 23, 1911, p. 910.
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