Stage Robbers of San Juan, The

Release Date:   September 11, 1911
Distributor:   Motion Picture Distribution & Sales Company
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Comedy-Drama
Director:   Allan Dwan
Writer(s):   No Personal Information Available.Allan Dwan,
Story Summary:
One day after a successful hold up, Slippery Jim is dividing the haul between Tom Haley, his partner, his wife, and himself, when Tom objects to Slippery's wife sharing in the plunder. Slippery thinks otherwise as the risk is as great for his wife as it is to them. Tom becomes abusive and Slippery resents it with a blow. Tom departs in anger, and riding toward town, he comes upon a sign recently posted by the Sheriff, offering $1000 reward for information leading to the arrest of the San Juan Stage Robbers. A plan forms itself in his mind to be revenged on Slippery, and also obtain the reward money. Riding to the Sheriff's house, he tells him that he will take him to the stage robbers. The Sheriff calls a posse and, led by Tom, they ride to the old adobe ruin that has been the robber's rendezvous. Slippery's wife is tired of the life of crime and she pleads with him to go to Mexico and live straight. They have just decided to do so, when looking up they see the posse approaching. Taking up their spoils, they ride away, hotly pursued by the posse. Slippery is shot in the arm, but they manage to elude their pursuers in the dense thicket, and the posse search for them vainly, and then returns to town. Tom Haley knows that his partner must be in one of the hiding places, frequently used by them when hard pressed, and continues his search alone. He comes upon Slippery in a secluded dell, his wife having gone for water to cleanse his wound. He forces the wounded man to mount, and takes him to the Sheriff. Slippery is placed in jail, and Tom becomes the town hero. Aside from the reward offered, the boys take up a collection for the treacherous partner. When Slippery's wife returns to the hiding place, she finds her husband gone and, knowing that he must be captured, turns her horse toward town to attempt his rescue. En route, she passes a hut and sees Tom Haley come out with a shovel and start furtively down the road. She follows and sees him bury the reward money, and then she goes to the jail to find Slippery busy filing at the bars of his cell. He forces them out and, climbing through the window, he writes a note for the Sheriff. They go to the adobe ruin and securing the mail bag ride to where Tom cached the reward money and substitute the mail bag for the gold. Then they start on their journey to Mexico to begin life anew. The Sheriff visits the jail to find his bird has flown, and seeing the note, he opens it and reads: "Sorry I could not stay for breakfast. Keep your eye on the stage robber that brought me in. Slippery." Taking the note to the stage driver, he shows it to him and asks him if he can identify the other robber that was with Slippery when they held him up. They find Tom at the hut, follow him, and watch him dig up the mail bag that Slippery place there in place of the gold. His angry cursing is interrupted by the Sheriff and the stage driver, who make him prisoner and lead him away. Safe across the border, Slippery and his wife pause and look back, then set their faces resolutely forward to a new home and an honest life. - Moving Picture World, September 16, 1911.
Unique Occurences
This film was chosen for Moving Picture World's column "Music for the Picture"- Sept. 30th,1911, pg.958
Additional Info
The Brinkman Family Theatre in Bemidji, Minn. ran this film, "A humorous comedy drama depicting the arduous experience of a reformed out law", on January 26th, 1912. - The Bemidji Daily Pioneer

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