Western Doctor's Peril, The

Release Date:   August 28, 1911
Distributor:   Motion Picture Distribution & Sales Company
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Drama
Director:   Allan Dwan
Writer(s):   Allan Dwan,
Story Summary:
Doctor Arthur Kenwood receives an urgent call to a distant ranch. His way lies past the depot, and he passes shortly after a lone bandit has held up the agent and shot him. Charley Going, the brother of the agent, arrives on the scene in time to see his brother breathe his last and the doctor riding rapidly away from the town. He hurries to where the boys are loitering, with the announcement that Dr. Kenwood has shot his brother and has gotten away with the express company's money. A posse is formed, and they ride out in pursuit of the doctor. The fleeing bandit drops one of the money sacks, and the doctor finds it. He stops at the watering trough to refresh his horse, and is overtaken by the posse. Instead of his usually orderly deputies, the sheriff finds that the sight of the doctor infuriates them to a point where they desire to lynch his prisoner, and he has hard work to protect the doctor, and lodge him in jail. Charley Going frets at the law's delay in meting out justice. The sheriff is wily and guards his prisoner closely, for he fears the boys will take the law into their own hands at the first opportunity. Going hits upon a scheme to decoy the sheriff away from town, and kissing his little daughter, he goes to the boys to unfold his plan to them. They write a note to the sheriff, telling him he will find the real murderer at Bear Rock. He hurries away. In the meantime, Charley Going's little girl meets with a severe accident. Mrs. Going is frantic, and hurrying to the sheriff's house, she pleads with his wife to release the doctor that he may attend the child. The sheriff's wife tells her that it is impossible, but her womanly sympathy wins. When Charley Going and his lynching party arrive at the jail to force an entrance, they learn that the man they have come to slay is at their leader's home, saving the life of his only child. They hurry to the house. Reverently they lift their hats, as the doctor works, oblivious of their presence. The false note leads the sheriff to the real murderer, counting the money he has stolen. The sheriff makes him prisoner and hurries back to liberate the doctor. He arrives just as the doctor arises from the couch; the child is sleeping quietly, the danger passed. Charley Going steps forward and the doctor extends his hand, which is eagerly clasped by the penitent father. -Moving Picture Magazine, September 1, 1911, p. 646.
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