Blotted Brand, The

Release Date:   August 21, 1911
Distributor:   Motion Picture Distribution & Sales Company
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Romance
Director:   Allan Dwan
Writer(s):   Allan Dwan,
Story Summary:
Oliver Thompson and Bessie Hitchcock are lovers and are determined to marry just as soon as Oliver has saved enough money to start a ranch of his own. He acquires a small herd and draws a picture for Bessie of his newly register brand, consisting of his initials, O. T., and she draws a picture of her father's brand, the Crescent T, to show the similarity of the two brands. They return to the ranch house and inform Mr. Hitchcock of their intentions, but he refuses to give his consent until Oliver's herd is one-third as large as his own. Oliver returns to his own ranch, with his hope of marriage shattered. Bessie is also despondent. She looks at the brands drawn on the side of the building and traces the outline with her finger. A week later some of her father's cowboys discover that the Crescent T brand is being tampered with. They find a fresh brand running from the crescent, forming the O. T. brand of Oliver Thompson. They inform the ranchman, he declares the Thompson is the rustler, as he is the only man who would be benefited by the change made. They go to Thompson's ranch and accuse him of stealing Hitchcock's cattle. Oliver denies it and offers to assist them. Bessie, when left alone at the ranch, starts out to brand cattle, when she hears approaching horsemen. She mounts her horse and gallops away. The cowboys, seeing the rustler mount, start in pursuit. Bessie dismounts and hides behind a pile of rocks. The pursuing cowboys reach the spot, and immediately dismount, determined to take the rustler. Bessie fires her pistol rapidly in the air. The searching party fire in her direction, and she receives a wound. They surround the rocks. They discover a very much frightened girl, crouching low on the ground. Bessie's father, seeing that she is bent on marrying Oliver, gives his consent to their union on the spot. -Moving Picture World, p. 564.
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