Brand of Fear, The

Release Date:   August 17, 1911
Distributor:   Motion Picture Distribution & Sales Company
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Drama
Director:   Allan Dwan
Writer(s):   Allan Dwan,
Confirmed Cast:   Pauline Bush, Jack Kerrigan, Carl Morrison,
Story Summary:
Jack Vernon, the sheriff of San Juan County, and his wife are happy when an escaped outlaw steals upon them and fires the fatal shot that plunges their home in gloom, leaving Mrs. Vernon a widow. Later, the pre-natal influence has marked her newborn babe with the brand of fear, and he goes through life shunned as a coward, an object of derision to all his companions. One day as the boys are tormenting Jack, Mildred Clayton, the daughter of the boy's employer, put in an appearance, and rescues Jack. She takes him home and introduces him to her parents. An unexpected visit is made by Manuel Vak, a Mexican half-breed, who is in love with Mildred. He flies into a rage when he sees Jack. He is ordered to leave by her father; but he swears vengeance. He returns with two of his cronies; and captures Mildred as she is going to the pump for water. Her screams bring her father, but he is knocked almost unconscious by one of the men. Jack leaves the ranch house, and returns to the village, where the boys continue to humiliate him. They take the sheriff's badge from him, and place it upon Jack, proclaiming him the new sheriff. In the midst of their humiliation, Mildred's father staggers up, and relates to them what has happened. In an instant, to the astonishment of the boys, Jack starts in pursuit of the Mexican. He finds him, gives him a good blow, and rescues Mildred. -Moving Picture World, August 12, 1911, p. 396.
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