Cattle Rustler's End, The

Release Date:   August 03, 1911
Distributor:   Motion Picture Distribution & Sales Company
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Drama
Director:   Allan Dwan
Writer(s):   Allan Dwan,
Confirmed Cast:   Jack Kerrigan, George Periolat, Jack Richardson,
Story Summary:
Curley Temple loves the daughter of his employer, Jim Harden. Fannie Harden, however, has a mind of her own, and arranges to meet Curley, to talk it over, at the lone tree on the prairie. The ranchman, in looking over his stock, discovers some calves belonging to his herd carrying a brand differing from his own. He accordingly calls the boys together, and offers a reward for the capture of the rustler. The rustler, one of his own cowboys, meets the cattle thieves in the mountains, and obtains branding irons, and the offer of $5 for every calf he brands. He conceals the branding irons in the tree until such time as he can find to do a little rustling. Curley arrives at the tree to keep his tryst, and hearing a bunch of the cowboys approaching, conceals himself to avoid their questions, fearing that they may have seen the letter Fannie placed in his saddle. They arrive at the tree and finding his horse, look around for him, and then spying the branding irons left by the rustler, jump to the conclusion that he is guilty, and start a search for him. Realizing that the boys are apt to be hasty, Curley appropriates the nearest horse at hand, and is in full flight, before the cowboys see him. They mount and give chase. When they overtake him he finds that instead of a cowboy joke, he is charged with a serious crime. In the meantime Bill Peters, the rustler, finding the coast clear, comes to the tree and starts building a fire in which to heat his irons. He is thus engaged when Fannie, coming to keep her appointment with Curley, discovers the rustler. Fannie realizes she has discovered the rustler her father is looking for, and hurries away to tell her father and the boys. She meets the cowboys, who have captured Curley, and tells them what she has discovered. Releasing Curley, they ride to the tree and capture Peters red-handed. Fannie demands, as a reward from her father, that he give his consent to her union with Curley, and her wish is granted. --Moving Picture World, July 29, 1911, p. 226.
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