Parting of the Trails, The

Release Date:   July 31, 1911
Distributor:   Motion Picture Distribution & Sales Company
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Drama
Director:   Allan Dwan
Writer(s):   Allan Dwan,
Confirmed Cast:   Pauline Bush, Jack Kerrigan, Jack Richardson, Louise Lester, George Periolat,
Story Summary:
Two brothers, Edward and Arthur Halstead, go West, each in different directions, Edward to seek his fortune in the mountains, Arthur to learn the cattle industry. Arthur wins both success and love. He becomes engaged to the ranchman's daughter. Edward becomes the leader of a gang of outlaws and learns that a stagecoach containing a large amount of money is to arrive, which he plans to rob. The ranchman and his daughter are in the coach. The hold-up is a success, but they do not get the money. During the excitement, the ranchman tries to draw a gun and falls, mortally wounded. The robbers plan to hold the daughter for ransom. A posse, headed by Arthur, finds the robbers and a battle ensues, in which the two brothers meet. Arthur makes Edward a prisoner and is about to place on handcuffs, when a stray bullet kills Edward. Arthur then tells his sweetheart that the leader was his brother. --Moving Picture World, July 29, 1911, p. 226.
Unique Occurences
A nitrate print of this film has been preserved by the Library of Congress but there is no viewing copy as yet.
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