Cupid in Chaps

Release Date:   July 10, 1911
Distributor:   Motion Picture Distribution & Sales Company
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Romance
Director:   Allan Dwan
Writer(s):   Allan Dwan,
Confirmed Cast:   Pauline Bush, Jack Kerrigan, Louise Lester, George Periolat,
Story Summary:
The cowboys of Circle Bar Ranch are much annoyed by the forwardness of the hired girl, who enforces all sorts of tricks to get one of them to marry her. At the country store, the boys meet a "peach," and as she is laden with bundles, each one of them wants to relieve her of her burden. One day the boys invite her to their ranch. Here she meets the foreman. It is love at first sight and, it might be said, they eventually get married, much to the surprise of the boys. --Moving Picture World, July 8, 1911, p. 1612.
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