Ranch Chicken, The

Release Date:   July 06, 1911
Distributor:   Motion Picture Distribution & Sales Company
Reels:   split
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Comedy
Director:   Allan Dwan
Writer(s):   Allan Dwan,
Confirmed Cast:   Louise Lester, George Periolat,
Story Summary:
Rastus Johnson and his wife, Dinah, live near the Circle C Ranch, and Dinah does the washing for the cowboys. As Rastus is a "gem'men of color," when the chickens begin to disappear from the ranch-yard, the boss naturally suspects him. One day, as Dinah is taking the ranch washing to her home, the boys stretch a rope across her path, tripping her. A number of the best pullets belonging to the ranch escape from her basket. Suspicion is now a certainty and the boss, together with his fun-loving cowboys, determines to give the chicken-loving darkies a lasting scare. In Dinah's basket, left behind in her haste to get away, a number of sheets are found, and knowing a darkey's fear of supernatural manifestations, the boss and his cowboys array themselves in ghostly attire for the next nocturnal visit. Dinah, on her return home, tells Rastus of her disaster at the ranch, and they determine to return to the ranch that night and recover the pullets. Dinah does not want to go, but Rastus is insistent, so with many misgivings she consents to go along. Arrived at the ranch, Dinah seats herself on a barrel near the chicken coop window, while Rastus enters the coop to hand out the pullets to Dinah and her waiting sack. They are busily engaged when a long, unearthly wail strikes dread to their souls. And then a ghostly form comes upon Rastus in the coop and with a shriek of mortal terror he dives from the window headlong and rushes away. Dinah collapses in the barrel and faints away, as other ghosts surround her. The ghosts go behind the coop and, removing their sheets, the cowboys roll on the ground with mirth. To compensate the old couple for the entertainment he has enjoyed at their expense, the boss selects a fine pullet from his lot and going to the darkies' cabin, he gains the roof and listens to the talk of hoodoos, witches, charms, etc., of his superstitious neighbors. Then he lets his pullet down by a string. Rastus is in the act of trying to explain to Dinah why he did not assist her from the scene of their recent scare, when he spies the pullet dangling near his head. Believing it to be a gift from the gods, he grasps it, and a pair of extremely happy darkies are shown, trying to outgrin each other. --Moving Picture World, July 8, 1911, p. 1612.
Unique Occurences
Split reel released with "The School Ma'am of Snake"
Additional Info

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