Sky Pilot's Intemperance, The

Release Date:   June 26, 1911
Distributor:   Motion Picture Distribution & Sales Company
Reels:   split
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Comedy
Director:   Allan Dwan
Writer(s):   Allan Dwan,
Story Summary:
Rev. Fitzgerald Doolittle and wife are called to Lone Gulch. On their arrival the cowboys form a reception committee and tender them an effusive welcome. The reverend gentleman does not enjoy the salute fired in his honor, and cowers in the protecting arms of his wife. Believing that the cowboys were more or less intoxicated when they gave him the boisterous reception, he determines to preach them a sermon against intemperance. Bidding his wife an affectionate good-by, he approaches the saloon, and finding the boys there, delivers an oration on the evils of strong drink. His sermon is so dry the cowboys decide to "wet his whistle," and accordingly obtain a funnel and a jug of whiskey from the obliging bartender. The minister is compelled to swallow a goodly portion of the "red-eye," and is soon in a hilarious mood. His suggestion, "Let's go and serenade my wife," is hailed with delight, and the "bunch" proceed to the parsonage. The minister's wife vigorously puts the cowboys to flight, and dragging her intoxicated husband to the pump, proceeds to apply the water cure. --Moving Picture World, July 1, 1911, p. 1529-1530.
Unique Occurences
Split reel released with "The Actress and the Cowboys"
Additional Info

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