Broncho Buster's Bride, The

Release Date:   June 19, 1911
Distributor:   Motion Picture Distribution & Sales Company
Reels:   split
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Comedy
Director:   Allan Dwan
Writer(s):   Allan Dwan,
Confirmed Cast:   Pauline Bush, Jack Kerrigan, Jack Richardson, Charles Morrison,
Story Summary:
Jack Brandt, the foreman of the 'IXL Ranch,' is married and goes to meet his bride. Established at the ranch his wife proceeds to dominate over him and compels him to do the housework. He appears among the boys wearing his wife's apron, when she comes after him and compels him to return to the house to finish the housework. The boys determine to help Jack and give his wife a lesson in domestic duty. Accordingly they kidnap the bride and leave a note for Jack to show their good intentions: Dear Jack.-- We've took yer filly out to break her in. --The Bunch. Mrs. Brandt is hustled out into a canyon, where the boys compel her to work. Jack finds the note and goes to the rescue of his wife. He finds her hard at work under the direction of the cowboys and she is overjoyed to see him. Returning to the ranch she proves such a model of industry that Jack feels called upon to thank the bunch for breaking in his bride. - Moving Picture World, June 17, 1911, p. 1394.
Unique Occurences
Split reel released with "The Yiddisher Cowboy"
Additional Info

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