California Love Story, A

Release Date:   May 01, 1911
Distributor:   Motion Picture Distribution & Sales Company
Reels:   split
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Drama
Director:   Gilbert Hamilton
Confirmed Cast:   Dot Farley, Jack Kerrigan,
Story Summary:
Pequita, a Mexican girl, is greeted by the padre of the mission. Melton Porter, an artist, lately arrived at the mission, is seated at his easel, and glancing around spies Pequita. He approaches her. At first she feigns indignation, but he eventually engages her in conversation, and within a short time they become fast friends. Pequita trusts Porter, trusted him with her honor: she loved him, and like other trustful girls, she soon realizes her error, and going to the artist, entreats him to save her honor. This he refuses to do, and leaving him in despair, goes to the padre, making a full confession of her guilt. He bids her go tell all to her mother, and Manuel, the brother, always distrustful, follows, overhears the conversation, and swears revenge. Pequita and Porter go for a walk by the sea. Here she makes a final appeal. Again he refuses to protect her, and bids her to go. Manuel (who has been following and watching all the while), intercepts her, and again hears the story of her shame. Porter, apparently deeply moved by his dishonorable action, remains standing on the beach, when Manuel, who has been watching him from the cliff, takes aim and fires. Porter falls, badly wounded. Pequita is broken hearted, and going to the padre for consolation, learns that the wounded man will live. With careful nursing, at the end of two weeks, Porter is convalescent, his heart has softened, and he decides to atone for his wrong doings. The padre unites them, gives them his blessing, and they go thoughtfully on their way. -Moving Picture World, May 13, 1911, p. 1088.
Unique Occurences
This was a split reel released with "United States Cavalry Drill"
Additional Info

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