Bud Nevins - Bad Man

Release Date:   April 24, 1911
Distributor:   Motion Picture Distribution & Sales Company
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Drama
Confirmed Cast:   Jack Kerrigan, Dot Farley, Gilbert Hamilton,
Story Summary:
Ches Riley, the wealthy owner of Riley's Ranch, had incurred the enmity of a rival ranch owner, who, with hatred seething in his heart, plotted with Bud Nevins, the notorious bad man of the community, to put him out of the way. Before starting on his mission Bud, ever quarrelsome, has a fistic encounter with a halfbreed Mexican, incurring his lasting hatred, and with the persistency of his race he follows Bud, intent upon revenge. To fulfill his agreement, Bud resolves to apply for work at the ranch, and in order to conceal his identity he shaves off his mustache, which alters his personal appearance. Continuing on his way he encounters a young girl who had been thrown from her horse and was suffering from a strained ankle. He assists her to mount and resumes his journey. Arrived at the ranch he is immediately employed by Ches Riley to assist at the spring roundup, and discovers that the girl he had assisted is the daughter of the man he had agreed to kill. In the meantime the halfbreed, nursing his wrath, had patiently waited his chance to kill Nevins. The opportunity came on the morning of the roundup, and also Nevins' chance to fulfill his agreement; but Bud Nevins had learned to love Ches Riley's daughter, and he found, when his opportunity came, he had not the heart to kill the father of the woman he loved. In his eagerness to destroy his enemy, the halfbreed's aim was faulty and the bullet intended for Bud Nevins injured Ches Riley. Bud immediately retaliates, but misses the halfbreed, who, on his second shot, seriously injures Bud, who falls from his horse to the ground. The cowboys hear the fusillade of shots and start rapidly to the scene of action, as does also Ches Riley's daughter, who is out on her pony to watch the roundup. Mr. Riley has recovered sufficiently to explain to the cowboys, who immediately start in pursuit of the halfbreed, while the daughter rushes to the unconscious Nevins, who is tenderly lifted and conveyed to the ranch house, to be nursed with loving care, for she has learned to love him. The cowboys capture the halfbreed and justice is meted out to him in the stern court of Judge Lynch. -Moving Picture World, May 6, 1911, p. 1028.
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