Diamond From the Sky - Chapter 10, The

Release Date:   July 05, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   North American
Genre:   Serial Drama
Director:   Irving Cummings
Story Summary:
"Old Foes with New Faces" The diamond is taken by the train robbers from Vivian Marston and later dropped in the desert by one of the bandits who is killed. Esther and Hagar go to Richmond to live with Mrs. Randolph and there they are followed by Quabba. Esther finds a letter which Hagar had written years before and learns her true parentage. Vivian Marston, upon her arrival in California, leaves Blair Stanley and telegraphs Bloom that she must have the diamond. Arthur Stanley, now known as John Powell, finds a treasure on the carcass of a dead horse, but the diamond is last seen gleaming among the cacti of the burning desert. - Motography, July 3, 1915, p. 44.
Unique Occurences
It's likely that this chapter was co-directed by Irving Cummings and William Desmond Taylor. Taylor would take over in earnest no later than chapter twelve but it is rather vague during this period. Jaccard was finishing up editing on earlier chapters and would soon leave town. See Chapter One for cast list.
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