Decision, The

Release Date:   February 22, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Comedy-drama
Director:   Henry Otto
Confirmed Cast:   Winnifred Greenwood, Josephine Ditt, John Steppling, Edward Coxen, George Field, William Bertram,
Story Summary:
The Kentucky colonel, whom whisky inspires, is replaced here by a lawyer of similar caliber, taken by John Steppling, who lends the legal gentlemen humor, pathos and power. It is the pivotal character, and the play as well revolves about his office. For the rest, it is a story of love and legal affairs mixed, interpreted by a competent cast. The two sisters have about decided to take the case of the appropriated inheritance out of their lawyer’s hands before he can appeal the case to the higher court. The younger sister starts on her mission and in the office meets the young assistant whom the lawyer has just taken in to teach law. She changes her mind, attracted by the youth, and the case goes to the higher court. The other heir, who has confiscated the money, despairs of ever winning. On the day of the trial this heir induces the lawyer to accompany him in his auto to a distant tavern, and tries to submerge him by frequent applications of whisky. The heir is left nodding over the table, while the lawyer arrives on time and easily wins the case. Then he makes out a bill for $3000, for as he hastens to explain, both he and his young assistant wish to get married, and the two sisters deciding that it will all remain in the family agree. - New York Dramatic Mirror, February 24, 1915
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