In the Twilight

Release Date:   February 15, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Thomas Ricketts
Writer(s):   Marc Jones,
Confirmed Cast:   Harry Von Meter, Jack Richardson, Perry Banks, Vivian Rich, Charlotte Burton, Robert Klein, Josephine Ditt,
Story Summary:
"Sentiment finds itself very much in demand as the actuating motive of this two reeler. It is a story of contrasts, in which one couple marry happily on the farm while the brother goes to the city to make a career forgets the girl at home. As a final tribute to its reason for existence, the man comes home of course. There is scarcely enough of the unexpected to entitle the offering to extraordinary interest. Yet its mission is accomplished, for pretty scenes on the farm and a mingling of the melody, “Love’s Old Song,” whose verse appears at intervals, and other touches tend to the desired result. Sam and Mary marry. They are happy on the farm with their young daughter. George goes to the city, where he aspires to the hand of his employer’s daughter. The girl on the farm is curtly dismissed, but several years later drink has ruined him, his wife and father-in-law are dead and his daughter is adopted by the brother in the country. A term served in the penitentiary finds his footsteps turning once more to his country home. Here he stands without the window while the graphophone within plays the well know melody. Needless to relate, the girl grown prematurely old, is waiting for him." -New York Dramatic Mirror 2/17/1915 p. 33
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