Heart of Gold, A

Release Date:   February 10, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Thomas Ricketts
Writer(s):   Elizabeth Carpenter,
Confirmed Cast:   Vivian Rich, Harry Von Meter, Jack Richardson, Louise Lester, William Eason,
Story Summary:
Jim is a fisherman, shy and gentle, and devoted to children and his flute. He lives in the attic of Mrs. Carr’s cottage. Mary Price takes refuge with Mrs. Carr from Jake Price, her husband, a drunkard. Her beauty and sweetness makes a deep impression upon Jim, who, on declaring his love, learns to his dismay that she is married. Later he meets Jake, and for Mary’s sake determines to try to make him reform. One day Jake is swept put to sea in a small fishing boat by a heavy storm. Jim saves him. When Jake, humble with gratitude, asks Jim how he can reward him, the later asks him simply “to go home and take care of Mary.” After that, Price leads a new life, and Mary is happy. - Moving Picture World, February 13, 1915
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