Hills of Glory, The

Release Date:   January 17, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Mustang
Genre:   Western
Director:   William Bertram
Confirmed Cast:   Helene Rosson, E. Taylor, J. Stewart, Beatrice Van, Charles Newton,
Story Summary:
Justus McCanna, a popular young physician, is rapidly falling in love with Bettina Purdy. Bettina is a girl in his own set, favored by his mother and sister, and much in love with Justus. A telegram from a friend injured in a wreck takes Justus into Kentucky. There Matt Sipe, a fiery young mountaineer, hearing of the doctor's skill, begs him to go with him to see his sick mother, but Justus refuses. As he starts for the statiojn he is kidnapped by Matt and his father and carried to their cabin in the mountains. Once there he does his best for Mrs. Sipe. Going to the spring one day for a bucket of water, he encounters Cherry Blossom. He carries her bucket home for her. Matt loves Cherry with all his ardent nature. He finds evidence of her meeting with the doctor, goes to the Blossom cabin, and creates a scene. With her ambition, for an education as an excuse, Justus arranges frequent meetings to help her with her reading. They fall in love and Matt, spying on them, swears to break it up. Following the doctor until he locates him in the bottom of a gully, he rolls a rock down on him. Cherry hears the crash and runs to find Matt gloating over his insensible rival. She solemnly curses him, and Matt, with a mountaineer's superstition, feels terror grip him. Cherry supports her lover to her cabin. Justus believes that he is dying and insists on immediate marriage. Cherry's father brings the minister and the ceremony is performed. But Justus does not die. His wife nurses him back to health, and he settles down contentedly to their simple life. Then a letter comes from his mother concerning a property deal where his immediate presence is imperative. He assures his wife that he will return soon, but Cherry's heart is heavy with foreboding. Justus means to act honestly but a reluctance to disclose his marriage until Cherry is better fitted to occupy her position as a prominent physician's wife seals his lips. Bettina proceeds to reassert her former claim on his time and attention, and Justus now in a false position finds the return to old life dulling his recollection of the mountains. A son is born to Cherry and people begin to sneer at her as a deserted woman. She loyally defends Justus, but her heart bleeds. Determined to know the best or the worst, she goes to Brooklyn with her baby and visits her husband's home. He is not there but his mother, sister and Betting pity the frightened, illy-dressed mountain wife who refuses to tell the object of her visit. Cherry shrinks from them and goes. Matt takes advantage of the results of her trip to press his attentions on her. She drives him away with a shotgun. Justus' mother tells him of the visit of the strange woman, whom Justus recognizes as Cherry. He leaves to go to her, reaching her just as Matt has returned with a gun to kill the "brat" and take the woman. He and Matt fight it out. Cherry intercedes to save Matt's life, then lays her son in Justus' arms. Moving Picture World, January 1, 1916
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