Mrs. Cook's Cooking

Release Date:   February 09, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy-drama
Director:   Frank Cooley
Writer(s):   J. Hungerford,
Confirmed Cast:   Virginia Kirtley, Joseph Harris, Fred Gamble,
Story Summary:
In spite of his wife being an excellent cook, Mr. Cook is a chronic kicker. At last, unable to endure his grouchiness, Mrs. Cook goes on the war path-and Cook departs to a restaurant. There he orders a meal, but, as usual, denounces every dish set in before him. A quarrel with the proprietor and the waiter ensues, and during the excitement Cook yanks the cloth off the table, smashing a lot of crockery. The proprietor has him arrested. At the police station Cook calls up his wife and begs her to come to his rescue. Secretly amused, she tells him that it serves him right, and before he can retort hangs up the receiver. Cook is locked in a cell and put upon bread and water. The jailer tells him to eat it-or starve. As he drearly munches his dry crust, visions of his wife’s cooking rise before him. When he is marched into the court room he learns that the restaurant proprietor wants thirty dollars damages. As he has nothing approaching this sum, he again telephones Mrs. Cook, frantically pleading with her to save him from thirty days on bread and water. At last she relents and hurrying to the court hails him out. Cook is permanently cured of kicking once his feet are safely under his home dining table again. - Moving Picture World, Feburary 13, 1915
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