
Release Date:   February 08, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Henry Otto
Writer(s):   Daisy Slocum,
Confirmed Cast:   Edward Coxen, Winnifred Greenwood, George Field, William Bertram, John Steppling, Perry Banks, William Vaughan,
Story Summary:
Tom Allen, an industrious young miner, warns Beatrice, his wife, against Joe Hills, a worthless chap, who continually hanging around their cabin. Hills steals Allen’s gold, and is discovered by Beatrice hiding in a closet just as her husband comes in. Allen suspicious of his wife’s relations with Hills, in a sudden fit of rage, drives her from the house. She is found many miles away, exhausted, and some time after this she gives birth to a child. Meanwhile Allen discovers in the closet the hidden nuggets and some baby things. He is convinced of his mistake and sets out a search of Beatrice. Five years later, Allen recognizes Hills in a saloon. The later fires at him and in returning the fire, Allen kills his enemy. He takes refuge in a barn, where he is found by a small boy, who leads him to his mother, thus he finds Beatrice. She hides her husband from the sheriff, but the child innocently gives away his father’s presence. Allen surrenders. Upon trial, however, he is acquitted of shooting in self-defense a man long wanted for murder. The Allens are them happily reunited. - Moving Picture World, Feb. 13, 1915
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