Which Would You Rather Be?

Release Date:   February 02, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy-drama
Director:   Frank Cooley
Writer(s):   Webster Campbell,
Confirmed Cast:   Virginia Kirtley, Kathryn Wilson, Webster Campbell, Joseph Harris, Hugh Bennett, Fred Gamble,
Story Summary:
The two traveling salesmen arriving in a town are waited on two "hashers" and the next trip become enganged to them. Each is to have a place in the business of the girl's father. Misgivings, however, creep into the mind of the one salesman, his indecision being nailed by the sight of a man who claims be was driven to drink by his wife. A year elapses. The benedict is shown with twins while the younger mans state of prosperity is indicated by his loss of position. He now decides to go back to the girl he deserted, the more so since he reads of her father's death and her inheritance. - New York Dramatic Mirror, January 20, 1915
Unique Occurences
Both Virginia Kirtley and Kathryn Wilson began their work with the Beauty company during the making of this film.
Additional Info

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