
Release Date:   January 25, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Henry Otto
Confirmed Cast:   Edward Coxen, Winnifred Greenwood, George Field,
Story Summary:
Frank Morris is reared in abject poverty, although his miserly father has ample funds for his family. When the boy grows old enough to realize what is the matter, he covets his father’s wealth, and finally murders him. With the coveted gold he buys his wife. Haunted by the spectre of Morris, Sr., young Morris early takes his life. On his dying bed he confides to Dr. Lane that his little son no doubt will inherit his father’s and grandfather’s tendencies. But the doctor allows his silence to be bought with a sum of money. Fifteen years later, the doctor’s daughter, Marion, falls in love with Frank Morris, the third generation. Her father’s remonstrances only precipitate an elopement. The young people live happily together, until the disease-laden mind of Morris breaks forth into crime. The doctor, called to his daughter’s side, finds her dead—and his son-in-law is taken away, a raving maniac Dr. Lane realizes that he has paid the price for consenting to be bribed into silence years before. - The Moving Picture World, January 30, 1915. P 734
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