Time and Tide

Release Date:   January 07, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   William Eason
Confirmed Cast:   Nell Franzen, Hugh Bennett, Alfred Vosburgh,
Story Summary:
William Lang is a wealthy widower and when there are women folks around, he just " cawn't make his eyes behave." In other words, Lang is a bold, bad flirt, much to the distress of his son, Ned, who tried to make him realize that the girls don't love him but rather his money. Father and son go to seashore where the elder Lang is promptly captivated by the wiles of a charming widow. Then Ned meets with Ruth Walters, a pretty fishermaiden, and before he knows it, the young man is head over heels in love. Ned's wedding plans are unfolded and father announces that it will be a double wedding for he is to wed the widow. Ned shows the widow a telegram which states that his father's fortune has been swept away, whereupon the widow promptly leaves for parts unknown. Father is disgruntled and refuses to see that all the designing woman wanted was to clutch his fortune. Enraged, the father refuses to permit the wedding of his son and fisher girl. Then follow gloomy days, for father will not let Ned out of his sight. The latter resorts to strategy. With his father he walks out on a rocky point, extending far out into the sea. The tide comes in. Neither can swim and they are cut off from land. They shout vociferously for help. Ruth rows out in a boat, takes Ned aboard and leaves the frantic father, bewailing his fate, but Ruth knows and so does Ned, that the tide never completely submerges the point where the father stands. By the time the tide has receded, and Lang reaches the shore, the knot has been safely tied. Father, much to his chagrin, is forced to grin and bear it. - Moving Picture World, January 1, 1916
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