Refining Fires

Release Date:   January 18, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Thomas Ricketts
Writer(s):   Elizabeth Carpenter,
Confirmed Cast:   Vivian Rich, Jack Richardson, Charlotte Burton, Harry Von Meter, Louise Lester, Josephine Ditt,
Story Summary:
Mary, a pretty girl, yields to the entreaties of John Alstrom, who loves her, and consents to live with him for a time without a marriage ceremony, since the young man fears that if it is known that he is married he will lose a fortune he has inherited. Later when John tires of her, Mary leaves him and secures employment in Judge Stone's home as a companion to the judge's daughter, Nina. Years later when Nina is loved and wooed by John Alstrom, who has now come into his fortune, Mary decides to warn her benefactor from falling in such a trap as she herself did. As she is about to disclose all her own past and that of Alstrom, she enters the parlor in time to hear John tell Nina, "I am sometimes sad to remember my past sins and vileness and my unworthiness of your love. But, with God's help, I am and will remain a reformed man." Mary, after hearing this, decides to keep her secret and leaves a note for Nina explaining the reason for her departure and then enters a convent to devote her future life to the service of the church. -Motography, January 23, 1915, p. 148-9.
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