
Release Date:   January 11, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Henry Otto
Writer(s):   Olga Printzlau,
Confirmed Cast:   Winnifred Greenwood, Edward Coxen, George Field, Charlotte Burton, King Clark, William Bertram, Edith Borella, John Steppling,
Story Summary:
The scene opens in a theatre. Lester Harrison, his fiance Helen Ward and his false friend Earl Rand, are seen applauding a dramatic climax, in which a fascinating actress (Else Detrow) figures prominently. After the show Harrison and Rand meet the actress, and the former is smitten by her charms. Rand is secretly pleased at this, for he also aspires to the hand of Helen Ward. Through his too evident interest in the actress, Harrison loses favor with Helen, and their engagement is broken. Soon afterwards, through his association with Else Detrow, he becomes involved in a charge of murder and is sentenced to life imprisonment. Earl Rand is responsible for the ruin of his rival, as he knew that the man who was killed had met his death at the hands of the actress, whom he had attempted to dishonor. Rand again seeks the hand of Helen Ward, but she dismisses him and announces herconfidence in the innocence of her former lover. Fate deals out to Else detro due punishment for her crime. Managers refuse to engage her and she is forced from the stage. In need, she becomes a menial in a hotel in a small western town. It chances that Lester Harrison, who has escaped from prison, seeks to begin life anew in the same town; also that Helen Ward becomes a teacher there. Helen is followed by Earl Rand, who again proposes and is again refused. At this juncture Rand recognizes Harrison in his disguise and has him re-arrested by the Sheriff on the old charge. Else Detrow however comes to his rescue and confesses that she killed the man of whose murder Harrison had been found guilty. Rand is revealed in his true character, and Helen and Harrison live happily ever after. - Moving Picture World Jan. 16, 1915
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