In the Vale of Sorrow

Release Date:   January 05, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Frank Cooley
Confirmed Cast:   Joseph Harris, Virginia Kirtley, Fred Gamble,
Story Summary:
Frank Mathews is very ill. The doctor says he may linger awhile, but that he never will regain consciousness. There are three little mouths to feed, the youngest a baby of two years, and Nan Mathews must go out to support them. But then who will nurse the husband? Nan, with little Mary toddling beside her, meets on the street a wealthy man, well known in the community , who at sight of Baby Mary's winsome face exclaims, "I would give a thousand dollars for a child like that!" The mother does what she believes is the best for all and she holds Mr. Van Arsdale to his offer. Later, and unexpected change in Mathews' condition sets in, and gradually he recovers. Nan awaits with dread the moment he shall miss the baby and ask for her. When the time comes, however, she gives him to understand that Mary is dead. Not long after this, Mathews is called to the home of Mr. Van Arsdale to fix an electric lamp. The foster father of Mary is an unseen witness of the real father's joy on finding his child. He tells Mathews that his baby was lost, and that he rescued her. Then, sadly, he sees the little girl pass out of his life forever. - Moving Picture World, January 9, 1915
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