Other Side of the Door, The

Release Date:   January 06, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   5
Brand:   Mutual Masterpictures
Genre:   Period Drama
Director:   Thomas Ricketts
Writer(s):   Clifford Howard,
Confirmed Cast:   Harold Lockwood, May Allison, William Stowell, Harry Von Meter, Dick La Reno, J. Stewart, Josephine Humphreys,
Story Summary:
During the 1860's, John Montgomery inherits a fortune but gambles all of it away. While losing at cards, John falls in love with Carlotta Valencia, the mistress of casino owner Martin Rood, and, as a result, he completely ignores his longtime sweetheart, Ellie Fenwick. Then, when Martin is found murdered, the townspeople accuse John of killing his only rival for Carlotta, and a mob prepares to lynch him. Just before the hanging, however, Ellie discovers that Carlotta has committed suicide and has left a note confessing to the murder. A free man once again, John vows to reform and begins by becoming reconciled with Ellie.
Unique Occurences
Based on the novel The Other Side of the Door by Lucia Chamberlain (Indianapolis, 1909).
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