Fate's Round-Up

Release Date:   December 20, 1913
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Mutual Masterpictures de Luxe
Genre:   Western Drama
Director:   Thomas Ricketts
Writer(s):   Theodosia Harris,
Confirmed Cast:   Winnifred Greenwood, Edward Coxen, George Field, Edith Borella, Ida Lewis, Marion Murray, William Tedmarsh,
Story Summary:
“Handsome Hal, anxious to rid himself of his wife and child, goes west on pretense of staking a paying claim. There he poses as a rich land buyer, winning the confidence of Mr. and Mrs. Wright. He misuses Wright's hospitality to try to tempt his rather discontented wife from the ranch — but Wright is injured in a round-up, and she stays to nurse him. Hal returns east, finds his wife and child destitute — and his better self asserts itself. Wright, meanwhile, has suffered a great deal, mentally, from a letter to Hal in his wife's handwriting— but a written confession from Hal exonerates her, and restores happiness.” “In the film George Field is depicted as a particularly unscrupulous villain. However, fate takes a hand in the deal and brings about the fortunate and timely regeneration of the culprit. Miss Greenwood, Coxen and Field divide dramatic honors in this production.” - Reel Life, 13 Dec, 1913, Page 441 & 452
Unique Occurences
Additional Info
“A Western Drama of Thrills and Pathos. One and three sheet lithographs. Released Saturday” - Motography- 13 Dec, 1913, pg. 712

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