Personal Magnetism

Release Date:   December 18, 1913
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   Lorimer Johnston
Writer(s):   O. Nelson,
Confirmed Cast:   Sydney Ayres, Vivian Rich, Harry Von Meter, Louise Lester, Jack Richardson, Jacques Jaccard, Julius Frankenberg,
Story Summary:
“Sylvia and Simon are summer boarders at Hank Medders’ farm, and become interested in each other. Hiram, the hired man falls desperately in love with her. He enrolls in a correspondence school of Personal Magnetism. Two letters arrive at the farm—addressed to Simon and Hiram. Mrs. Medders inquisitively steams them open and mixes them after her curiosity is satisfied. Hiram loses the envelope addressed to himself but containing news that the artist has inherited a fortune. Sylvia’s attitude immediately changes toward the supposed lucky farm-hand. He thinks the change due to his “personal magnetism.” He takes Sylvia for a buggy ride and consults his instructions as to how to work the magnetism. Sylvia eventually gets hold of his book—finds that Simon is really the lucky heir—and with his assistance plays several jokes on the hired man—who finally gets out to the barn and gets himself kicked by Hiram Crabapple’s mule.” —Reel Life, December 6, 1913, p. 14
Unique Occurences
Advertised as “A Summer Boarder Comedy Sketch.” (Motography, December 13, 1913, p. 5) The story of Tommy, Flying A’s pet burro: “Tommy, the pet burro of the ‘Flying A’ camp, was recently disturbed in his palais royal by the court jester Frankenburg, to which he not only seriously objected but entered impressive and strenuous protests, to all of which Frankenburg bears sad witness. The whole story is pictured in ‘Personal Magnetism’ to be released Dec. 18th.” (Reel Life, December 6, 1913, p. 1)
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