Where the Road Forks

Release Date:   December 15, 1913
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Allegorical drama
Director:   Thomas Ricketts
Writer(s):   Anna Lockwood,
Confirmed Cast:   Edward Coxen, Winnifred Greenwood, George Field, Edith Borella, Albert Cavens, Marion Murray, William Tedmarsh,
Story Summary:
Miriam Howell has completed her musical education and her teacher gives a private recital for the benefit of some of the greatest opera managers in the country. The wonderful power and quality of her voice thrills even their critical tastes and a contract with an alluring salary is offered her. Imparting to her professor her contemplated matrimony, she is told that she will have to sacrifice love and marriage on the altar of ambition, if she would succeed in her operatic career. She returns to her home to think it over, when her lover calls and importunes her to marry him. She is undecided and shows him her offer and requests time to think. He tells her he will call for her decision in an hour, and leaves her. Seated in the firelight's glow, she becomes drowsy and soon is fast asleep. The maid enters and softly draws the shades and turns out the light. Ambition, personified, appears to the sleeping girl, and with a majestic wave of her arm bids her look upon her alluring future as an operatic star. She sees herself upon the stage with the sea of faces upturned to her, eagerly listening not to miss one note of her wonderful selection, "The Jewel Song." A thunder of applause is sweetest music to her ears and she is forced before the curtain again and again. before the audience is satisfied. Flowers and favors are showered upon her and she retreats to her dressing room to find the managers and her teacher there to extend warmest congratulations. She is driven from the theater in her own car and eager people line the drive to throw flowers and bestow praise upon the accomplished vocalist. Miriam stirs in her dream, her hand unconsciously grasps a pen and she is about to sign the contract, but Cupid appears and dashing the pen from her hand bids her wait and he will show her her future as a beloved wife and mother. Miriam sees herself arrayed in bridal robes and about to become the wife of Ed Templeton. The ceremony is performs and she goes to her new and delightful home. As the years pass by children come to bless their home and she is supremely happy. Cupid's picture is also alluring. Miriam finds it impossible to choose, but they are awaiting her decision and at last Miriam asks: "Show me my old age." Ambition reluctantly again takes up the thread of the future, and Miriam sees herself in her dressing room in a desperate attempt to look young and beautiful. From time to time her hand strays her throat, for it has troubled her of late. She hears the cue, and appears upon the stage and tries again to face that sea of upturned faces. A hush falls over the vast audience as she begins to sing. Soon a restlessness comes over her auditors, for her voice fails. And then the long dreaded climax comes - the most dreaded and cruel taunt, "the hiss" and she is forced to leave the stage. She returns to her lonely home and while eating her dinner in solitude she receives the final blow, a letter of dismissal. Ambition gives way to Cupid and he willingly and eagerly takes up the thread of her future under his guidance. She sees herself and her lover, Ed Templeton, grown old, it is true, but the sweet old age that has come with a life of serenity and happiness. Around them are their children, grown to manhood and womanhood, and little grandchildren who worship their grandparents. Miriam awakens her dream and love to its uttermost has awakened in her heart. When Templeton calls, Miriam gives him her answer without reserve, for after what she has seen, she knows her better future. - Moving Picture World, December 13, 1913
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