Billy Van Deusen's Shadow

Release Date:   January 04, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Social Comedy
Director:   Archer McMackin
Confirmed Cast:   Marie Van Tassell, John Steppling, Carol Holloway,
Story Summary:
Billy is a tennis enthusiast, without particular ability, and one of his wild returns crashes through a plate glass window at the home of Mrs. Smudge. Billy, calling to reclaim his ball, finds Mrs. Smudge and her daughter extremely indignant, but when he presents his card and they discover that he is one of the Blue Book "400," their attitude completely changes. They shower Billy with attention, for Mrs. Smudge and her daughter are exceedingly ambitious socially. Billy calls again and again and at length he and Flora are engaged. Flora, chancing to glance from her window discovers Hank, the waiter, endeavoring to flirt with a passing girl. Hank's form and features are exactly like Billy's and Flora labors under the impression that it is her fiance. Mother and daughter Smudge enter a cafe for dinner, where they are horrified to discover Billy as a waiter. In reality it is Hank, whose resemblance to Billy is marked. Flora watches the waiter closely and he, inclined to be flirtatious, chucks her familiarly under the chin. Then the real Billy enters the cafe and seeing Flora and Mrs. Smudge, he at once makes for their table. Meanwhile, Hank who had been discovered in the act of chucking Flora's chin, had been discharged and the proprietor of the restaurant thinks that Billy who came in through the front door is Hank the waiter. Further complications set in. Billy is roughly handled. The next day he calls at the Smudge's to straighten things out. Woe unto him. He finds the Smudges have moved and left no address. Crestfallen, Billy wends his weary way homeward. - Moving Picture World, January 1, 1916
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