Sting of It, The

Release Date:   October 08, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Charles Bartlett
Confirmed Cast:   Edward Coxen, Winnifred Greenwood,
Story Summary:
Mark Pelton's young wife, Laura, is a kleptomaniac and addicted to drugs. She writes her father, John Calvert, accusing her husband of cruelly wrecking her life, then commits suicide. Calvert keeps the letter, knowing it is the outpouring of a diseased brain, as Mark has sacrificed himself for Laura. Pauline, Calvert's niece, is kept in ignorance of the family skeleton. Ten years pass, and Elmer Danby, a fortune hunter, desires to marry Pauline, believing her an heiress. Mark writes that he thinks of marrying again, and Calvert conceives the idea that Pauline and Mark would make a fine match. He makes his will with this end in view, and dies ignorant of the fact that Pauline and Danby are engaged. Pauline finds Laura's last letter, and when Mark arrives she treats him coolly. Calvert has left his estate jointly to Pauline and Mark, provided they marry. If one refuses, he or she forfeits all to the other. Pauline at once announces her engagement to Danby, forfeiting her rights. Mark distrusts Danby and plans to test his sincerity before making Pauline a wedding present of half the estate. Danby's true colors are shown, and Pauline breaks the engagement. Mark loves Pauline and when he pleads his case, she shows him the letter written by Laura. Marks tells her the truth concerning Laura. Pauline understands, and love triumphs. - Moving Picture World, October 2, 1915
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