Breezy Bill - Outcast

Release Date:   October 08, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Mustang
Genre:   Western Drama
Director:   Donald MacDonald
Confirmed Cast:   Helene Rosson, Jack Richardson, William Stowell, Dick La Reno,
Story Summary:
Breezy Bill, a western desperado and rustler, has a cabin in the mountains where he lives with Marta, a young girl, who supposes him to be her father. Marta dresses as a man and wears a mask when out, being known as “The Masked Rider.” Breezy and his gang attempts to capture a bunch of horses. They are surprised by the herders. In a running fight the herders are driven off, one of their number, Jack, is held up by Marta, but she had not the heart to kill him and he escapes with the horses. Sheriff pursues but is afraid to follow Breezy. Marta attempts to escape from Breezy when she discovers her identity. Jack, awaiting the appearance of Breezy, sees Marta as she attempts to escape and shoots her. Discovering that she is a girl, he takes her to his mother’s cabin where she recovers. Breezy, fearing that the sheriff’s posse captured Marta, attempts to rescue her. Holds up the sheriff and in turn is followed to Jack’s cabin by posse. Breezy finds Jack and Marta in a love scene. Breezy Bill draws his gun to shoot, but thinking of his own love years before, he leaves the happy pair with the parting words: “You take care of Marta and I’ll take care of the posse.” He flees as the sheriff’s posse approaches and is killed in a running fight. –Moving Picture World, October 2, 1915, p. 150.
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