Mother's Busy Day

Release Date:   October 05, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   Archer McMackin
Confirmed Cast:   Neva Gerber, Webster Campbell, Rea Berger, Lucille Ward, William Carroll,
Story Summary:
Dad is a flirt, and mother, for this reason, keeps an ever-watchful eye. The family goes to the beach for a day’s outing. Bobby first nearly kills a man by jumping on his stomach and is severely punished. He then looks for other fields to conquer. Strolling to a secluded spot on the pier, he finds a barrel, and gets an idea. He pushes the barrel into the water, throws his hat near the spot where the barrel sank, shouts for help and then hides under a bench, viewing the excitement he has caused. Mother finally discovers the culprit and administers another whipping. She rushes him to where she and father have been sitting and insists that he stay there with them. He is good as long as possible, likewise father. A young lady chanced along and stands near the sheltering umbrella. Bobby and dad discover the trim foot and ankle. Trouble ensues. Bobby is again punished, but not until he has divulged dad’s duplicity as well. Mother decides that a governess is the only cure for Bobby, and dad chuckles inwardly at the prospect. Jimmy wires that he is returning, and bringing home a pleasant surprise. He leaves his surprise (his bride) at the home of her aunt until a welcome can be assured. Jimmy learns of the governess idea, and decides to work Mary in as Bobby’s caretaker. The scheme works out admirably until both dad and Jimmy are caught showering her with attentions. A compromising situation arises and causes mother to attempt to discharge the governess, when Jimmy makes known the fact that she is his surprise, and the story has a happy ending. –Moving Picture World, October 2, 1915
Unique Occurences
Alternate title "Mother's Busy Week"
Additional Info

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