Wraith of Haddon Towers, The

Release Date:   January 01, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   3
Brand:   Clipper
Genre:   Period Drama
Director:   Arthur Maude
Confirmed Cast:   Constance Crawley, Arthur Maude, Leslie Reed, Beatrice Van,
Story Summary:
Philip Drummond receives a summons to hasten to the bedside of his dying uncle, Baron Drummond, in England. Philip’s wife is elated at his departure for she is of the inconstant type that relishes the attentions of a multitude of men. At present she is infatuated with Claude Hope, a handsome young man whom she has completely captivated. Arrived at his uncle’s bedside, Drummond is told that at the old Baron’s death the entire estate and all that it embraces, shall descend to him. Also pains are taken to inform him that a psychic spirit which haunts the castle is to be given into the care of the heir. Drummond is a believer in psychic phenomena, and determines at once to test his pet theory that the spirit of the one long departed can be summoned from the astral world. His theory is that if a soul in the astral world is in love with a reincarnated being, the astral soul can be summoned and will appear only before the vision of the one reincarnated. Love above the type of the worldly – Drummond believes can effect such phenomena. In his dying breath the old Baron tells Philip of a direct ancestor and a cousin who were sweethearts and whose murder has been a mystery of a century duration. A painting of the ancestor betrays the likeness to Philip. In the boudoir of the ancestor’s sweetheart, Drummond materializes the spirit. The wraith appears before his vision and re-enacts before his gaze the details of the crime itself. Drummond learns from the spirit, Dorothy, that the feudal ancestor was himself in his former visit on earth. He learns, too, that the Claude Hope of today, who is in love with his, Drummond’s wife, was the Sir Burton Gregory of long ago who slew him and later caused the death of Dorothy. Recognizing the astral visitor as his true soul mate, Drummond spends all his waking hours in company with the ethereal visitor. The aged Baron dies, and Drummond succeeds to the title. Forgetting her infatuation in, her greed for the title, Drummond’s wife hastens to England. She bursts into the boudoir where Drummond holds communion with the ethereal Dorothy. She finds her husband dead. Had Drummond established his theory or is the whole affair a chimera of the mind? That is the question. - Moving Picture World, December 25, 1915
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