Love and Labor

Release Date:   August 14, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   John Steppling
Writer(s):   J. Hungerford,
Confirmed Cast:   John Steppling, Beatrice Van, John Sheehan,
Story Summary:
Pa goes to the country for a rest and takes his daughter, Dot with him to get away from her lover, Algy, of whom he does not approve. Pa finds the country is not so restful as he had hoped, and while working on the wood pile, also finds that he has not escaped from Dot's "city fellow." Pa routs the unwelcome guest, then goes back to his task. Alec, a country suitor of Dot's, turns up and Dot to get rid of him, persuades him that "Pa wants me to marry a worker." Alec proceeds at once to demonstrate the fact that he is a worker. Much to Pa's relief, Alec takes his place at the wood pile. Smart, another country admirer of Dot, turns up and he is also impressed with the importance of work, and proceeds to try to outdo Alec at the wood pile. Pa sees them at work and is filled with admiration. He tells Dot that either of them would make an admirable son-in-law. Dot fails to agree. Pa finds that his country establishment has no means of keeping his beloved drinks cool, so he decides much against his inclination, that he must dig a cellar. While Pa is at work Algy returns. Dot tells him the joke on Alec and Smart. This only fires him with new ambition, and he tells Dot that he is going to prove to Pa that he can work in circles around the two rural boobs. Rushing to the cellar, Algy discards coat and cane and much to Pa's delight proceed to show him how he can work. Pa steals back to enjoy his rest. Algy gets down to business and is shoveling for dear life, when he knocks the prop out from under the dirt roof and narrowly escapes alive. As he is recovering from the shock, Dot appears on the scene, and together they hatch a plot to leave his hat and coat near the cave-in to fool Pa. Aldy and Dot make a hasty departure. Later Pa comes to see how the cellar is progressing and discovers Algy's hat and coat. He thinks Algy is buried alive. Frantically he rushes to the wood pile where Alec and Smart, nearly exhausted, are still competing with saw and axe. Pa tells them that the "derned dude" is buried alive, and the three frantically work to rescue the dude. In the midst of it Algy and Dot return and announce their marriage. Pa, relieved, that he has not a murder on his conscience, gives them his blessing. -Moving Picture World, August 14, 1915
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