Terror of the Twin Mountains

Release Date:   September 27, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   William Bertram
Confirmed Cast:   Helene Rosson, E. Taylor, J. Stewart, George Morrison,
Story Summary:
John leaves his wife, Frances, and goes into the mountains to search for gold. In a cave in the mountains dwells Ivan, "The Terror of Twin Mountains," who has a reward of $5,000 on his head. Ivan had loved Frances some years ago and after John had won her he had left the town. The stage coach on which Frances comes to join her husband is held up by Ivan and he takes the girl by force to his cave, where they are found by John. Ivan is killed, and Frances and John are reunited. - Motography, October 2, 1915
Unique Occurences
Helene Rosson was only seventeen when she played the lead in this film. John Garrett, reviewing for the Motography, stated that "Miss Rosson does some exceptionally good work and is thoroughly capable of portraying deep-felt emotion."
Additional Info

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