Cats Cash and a Cook Book

Release Date:   September 25, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   Jack Dillon
Confirmed Cast:   Lillian Christy, John Steppling, Bessie Banks, Dick Rosson,
Story Summary:
Jeremiah Brown and his wife live in a city apartment. He is a broker. Through high living, much entertainment, and a lavish wasting of money by his wife, bankruptcy stares him in the face. Brown appeals to his Aunt Clarinda for $5,000 to tide him over the crisis, and is informed that she has just endowed a home for stray cats at the behest of Rev. Amos Doolittle. This is a great shock to Brown. However, Aunt Clarinda writes that she will pay them a visit and bring a jewel that will provide them the life of kings. This rumor is circulated, the newspapers get a hold of it, and announce that Miss Clarinda Peabody of Cloverdale will visit the city and bring with her some rare jewels. Second-story Sam reads this, and decides to make a rich haul. The jewel turns out to be Aunt Clarinda's cook book. Brown tires of her, and plots to have her scared away. One of his club members is to enter Aunt Clarinda's room in the disguise of a burglar. On the fatal night, she routs the intruder and goes back to bed, when Second-story Sam comes upon the scene. She knocks him out and ties him securely with the cord of her bathrobe. It later develops that a reward of $5,000 has been offered for his capture. She claims the reward, and loans it to Brown on the condition that the firm name be changed to Brown & Co. and she is the "Company". - Moving Picture World, September 18, 1915
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