Drummer's Honeymoon, The

Release Date:   November 15, 1913
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Comedy
Writer(s):   H. Sutton,
Confirmed Cast:   Edward Coxen, George Field, Winnifred Greenwood, William Tedmarsh, Jean Durell,
Story Summary:
The wedding is over and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sellgood stop at the office where Harry is employed as a traveling salesman to bid farewell before leaving on their honeymoon. Scarcely have they departed when another salesman reports by telephone that Mr. Beyer, the purchasing agent of Beyer & Sexton, has left for an extended vacation at Oceanside, Cal. A telegram is dispatched to Harry to stop over at Oceanside and secure an order at any cost. When Mr. Beyer arrives at Oceanside he leave positive instructions at the hotel that he is not to be bothered on matters of business. Harry Sellgood bribes the bellboy to deliver his card to Mr. Beyer, who at first is considerably exercised over the infraction of his order, has the bellboy bring the gardener of the place to his room. This individual is pressed into service to impersonate Mr. Beyer, and allow himself to be wined and dined. While the little entertainment is being carried out Mr. Beyer proceeds to have a good time, which involves the innocent companionship of one of the lady guests at the same hotel. While thus engaged he encounters Mrs. Sellgood who enjoys a personal acquaintance through her father's business connection. Later the young bride meets her husband hopelessly endeavoring to convince the substitute Mr. Beyer that he ought to place an order and explains to him that the man is an impostor. Harry calls the police to arrest the man, but Mr. Beyer comes to the rescue and the police are called off. Mrs. Sellgood now graciously smiles on Mr. Beyer, and with an open order book in hand readily induces him to authorize a ridiculously large purchase of supplies. Harry and his wife are highly elated over the little escapade and wire the office the result of the stop-over - a $15,000 order - some easy picking. - Moving Picture World, November 1913
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